Building a New Life After Amputation: Wilson’s Story 

When Wilson, a 43-year-old father of three, left his home for work in April 2023, he could not have foreseen the life-changing events that lay ahead. Just blocks from his job in the Dominican Republic, Wilson’s motorcycle malfunctioned, causing a crash that left him with severe injuries to his right leg and clavicle. “It was a difficult injury,” Wilson recalled, “I had no choice but to use all my savings just to get medical care and cover daily expenses.” 

After several surgeries in the public system to repair the fractures, Wilson faced yet another hurdle: his body rejected the implant materials. “After the second rejection, my surgeon told me my only option was amputation,” Wilson shared. Six months after the accident, Wilson’s right leg was amputated—a moment that filled him with doubt and uncertainty about his future. “The days leading up to the amputation were incredibly hard,” he explained. “Going from having two legs to suddenly only one was traumatic for me.” 

Amid these challenges, Wilson was introduced to the One World Surgery (OWS) team, who were running a medical mission near his home. Thanks to our supporters, Wilson was able to receive a new prosthetic leg through our Patient Assistance Program. 

“I am grateful to God for helping me overcome this situation, and to the OWS team for their unconditional support,” he reflected. 

While adjusting to his prosthetic and coping with his injury, Wilson has adapted his work to meet new physical realities. Formerly a mason, he now takes on household maintenance jobs to support his family. “It’s challenging because masonry requires strength and stability, and I can no longer perform tasks that I used to do before. But that hasn’t stopped me – I’m going about my routine like before, running errands to get used to the prosthetic,” Wilson said. 

Reflecting on his journey, Wilson spoke to the impact that OWS’s support has had on him and his family. “My thanks to the OWS team for their support from the beginning. Although it’s difficult to live without a leg, I have the joy of being alive and having this great opportunity. I pray that God continues to bless us, to always be able to support more people who really need it.” 

Wilson’s story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of compassionate care. As OWS expands its reach, stories like his illustrate the profound impact that access to quality healthcare can have on lives across the Dominican Republic and beyond. 

When Wilson, a 43-year-old father of three, left his home for work in April 2023, he could not have foreseen the life-changing events that lay ahead. Just blocks from his job in the Dominican Republic, Wilson’s motorcycle malfunctioned, causing a crash that left him with severe injuries to his right leg and clavicle. “It was Read More